Swap out your unwanted wardrobe items at the Re’Store Swap.
How will it work?
After registering for the SWAP, you can bring up to 5 items of your choice to exchange for tokens.
Swap rules
Season items only. We take summer clothes from Feb-August and Winter clothes. Sept-Jan.
No value chain items (Primark, Matalan, supermarket brands)
Items must be washed or dry cleaned.
Bobbled and worn-out items will not be accepted.
Strictly no leggings and underwear.
You will receive up to three tokens based on age, quality, and brand.
We reserve the right to refuse items
All items entered into the swap are non-returnable
Our designers will rework some of the swap items to create forever pieces.
Swap out your unwanted wardrobe items at the Re’Store Swap.
How will it work?
After registering for the SWAP, you can bring up to 5 items of your choice to exchange for tokens.
Swap rules
Season items only. We take summer clothes from Feb-August and Winter clothes. Sept-Jan.
No value chain items (Primark, Matalan, supermarket brands)
Items must be washed or dry cleaned.
Bobbled and worn-out items will not be accepted.
Strictly no leggings and underwear.
You will receive up to three tokens based on age, quality, and brand.
We reserve the right to refuse items
All items entered into the swap are non-returnable
Our designers will rework some of the swap items to create forever pieces.
Swap out your unwanted wardrobe items at the Re’Store Swap.
How will it work?
After registering for the SWAP, you can bring up to 5 items of your choice to exchange for tokens.
Swap rules
Season items only. We take summer clothes from Feb-August and Winter clothes. Sept-Jan.
No value chain items (Primark, Matalan, supermarket brands)
Items must be washed or dry cleaned.
Bobbled and worn-out items will not be accepted.
Strictly no leggings and underwear.
You will receive up to three tokens based on age, quality, and brand.
We reserve the right to refuse items
All items entered into the swap are non-returnable
Our designers will rework some of the swap items to create forever pieces.